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The #1 priority of House to House Heart to Heart is saving souls. We believe that many people are still searching for truth. We share your interest in the growth of the church, which is why we hold ourselves to the highest standards in this effort to spread the Gospel. Every page is loaded with Bible-based teaching, and scripture is on each page.
Short Mountain Bible Camp is a common destination for many youth groups in Middle Tennessee. Bible centered and youth focused, they offer a great opportunity for our young people to worship with others their own age.
The Great Smoky Mountain Marriage Retreat, sponsored by Jacksonville church of Christ, gives attention to strengthening and encouraging marriages through Gods word.
Polishing the Pulpit, taking place in the Great Smoky Mountains, utilizes the combined experiences of well known speakers and Gospel ministers to bring you a collection of great sermons from the word of God.
Tennessee Bible College, a Bible centered college committed to, "making disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you;" Matt. 28:19-20
The Gospel Broadcasting Network delivers the message of salvation to people of every age through a variety of resources. GBN live Christian radio is changing hearts with the truth of the Gospel all day every day. Our goal is to save souls for eternity, worldwide, by providing free online Christian resources that answer your faith-based questions.
Listen to a live stream or thousands of on demand audio of pioneer preachers. What is playing now gives the title and speakers name so if you have missed part of a sermon you can go back and listen to whole lesson later.
The Gospel of Christ (TGOC) program is an ongoing evangelistic effort overseen by the elders of the Central church of Christ in McMinnville, Tennessee. The primary purpose and goal of TGOC is to take the whole Gospel to the whole world in our generation while at the same time putting a special emphasis on strengthening the Lord’s church in the United States (Mark 16:15-16; Acts 20:20; 14:21-22; Col. 1:23).
It's all very simple. In 1934, V.E. Howard from West Monroe, LA started a radio program. From those first days until now, International Gospel Hour speakers have done just one thing: they've taught God's truth in love. After more than 83 years, that's what they still do.
In 1914, the Potters met with the trustees and established Potter Orphan Home and School on the grounds of the Nashville Bible College(now David Lipscomb University). Immediately upon its establishment, 12 orphans who were being cared for by a church in Louisville, Kentucky were transferred to Potter. Thus, the legacy of providing a loving, Christian home to numerous children began.
Tennessee Children’s Home began in 1909 as the Tennessee Orphan Home in Columbia, Tennessee. In 1935, the Home purchased the campus of the Branham and Hughes Military Academy and moved to Spring Hill, Tennessee. The approach to child care was to provide the basic physical needs of children and to offer Christian instruction. The institutional approach was replaced with family oriented group homes. The family groups now individually carry on most activities, such as home devotionals, church attendance, housekeeping, laundry, cooking and cleanup.
The Far East / World Evangelism is a work dedicated to preaching God's Word throughout the world. Mission works include such works as "Four Seas College of the Bible and Missions" in Singapore, which has been in operation for many years and helped to educate men and women in the Word of God and enable them to go back and teach God's Word in their home countries of China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, etc.
Happy Haven Children's Home seeks to help children grow in their physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being as we share God’s love with them. Happy Haven exists to meet the needs of the children as we bring comfort to those who are hurting, hope to those who are hopeless, and light to those who are in darkness. We seek God's blessings in our ministry and are so grateful to all those who support our work here.